Tuesday, August 20, 2013

AMAZING S'mores Ice Cream

I saw a recipe for toasted marshmallow ice cream and I thought it would be amazing to go that extra step and turn it into a S'mores flavored treat.  The result is a creamy ice cream with the smoky flavor of toasted marshmallows, the crunch of crispy graham crackers, and a smooth ribbon of rich chocolate fudge.  I made this the other day with my friend Monika as my sous chef, and we watched some shark week while the ice cream was churning.  The perfect end to a day.  Thanks Monika!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

My favorite thing to make!

Whenever anyone hears you're a chef they automatically ask you "what's your favorite thing to make?"  Read this post for the answer... (or just look at the above picture ;-)