Sunday, March 16, 2014

Egg and Spinach Sandwich

This is a super easy meal that is healthy, flavorful, and quick to prepare.  It's a great lunch/brunch item that doesn't require a lot of time or fancy ingredients.  You can also substitute the spinach for any vegetables you happen to have in your kitchen.  I made this as a lazy, rainy day lunch, but it can be enjoyed anytime.

Makes one sandwich
about 1 teaspoon of olive oil
1 handful of fresh spinach, washed and roughly chopped
1/2 garlic clove minced
A pinch of salt
2 eggs beaten
1 squirt of Sriracha or your favorite hot sauce (make it as spicy as you want)
1/4 inch thick slice of muenster cheese cut into cubes
1 6-inch whole wheat tortilla lightly coated with olive oil on one side

1) Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat.
2) In a small bowl, beat together the eggs, sriracha and muenster cheese.
3) When the skillet is hot enough, add the spinach and sauté for 1-2 minutes.  Toss in the garlic, sprinkle in a pinch of salt, and cook another 20-30 seconds being sure not to burn the garlic.
4) Pour the egg mixture over the spinach, and stir to scramble the eggs.  Allow to cook for 20-30 seconds until not very runny, but be careful not to overcook your eggs.  
5) Move everything to the side of the skillet or onto a plate so that you can put the tortilla (oiled side down) into the skillet, and then put the eggs on top of the tortilla.
6) Allow to cook over medium-low heat until the tortilla is slightly crispy and the cheese should be melted as well (roughly one minute).
7) Move onto a plate and fold to eat it like a taco.  Enjoy!

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