Tuesday, June 3, 2014

My New Favorite Breakfast: Baked Eggs

I've never been one to eat a lot in the morning, but I do believe in having a delicious breakfast to start your day off right.  I tend to like things that are a savory and nothing can really beat a well-prepared egg dish.  This is a simple way to enjoy eggs that also gives you a lot of freedom to add whatever you like.

The following are step-by-step instructions for making a basic baked egg.  I made mine in a toaster oven so it a) is faster and b) won't make the whole apartment hot just to bake one egg.
I know this dish sounds super simple (which it is), but trust me it is delicious.  Serve it up with some potato hash or a nice salad and you're ready to start your day.  

Instructions for making baked eggs:
1) Preheat your oven or toaster oven to 375 Fahrenheit.
2) Grease a ramekin or an oven safe cup with butter or oil.
3) Crack an egg into the cup and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
4) Bake for 6-10 minutes depending on how runny you want the yolk to be.
5) Serve and enjoy!  

* (pictured at the top of the page) I like to line the bottom of the ramekin with some pieces of whole wheat bread, sprinkle some Sriracha and parmesan on top of that and then crack an egg into it.  Sprinkle the top with a little more cheese, salt and pepper.  Once you dive into the yolk the toasted bread on the bottom will sop it up and make for a delicious breakfast.
** you can add vegetables, sautéed onions, spinach, or anything you think might be tasty.  Just be aware of cooking times.  You may want to bake or sauté vegetables that require more cooking and then add the egg for the final 5 minutes of cooking.  

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