Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sweet Corn Popsicles

Corn is one of those summer foods that you find at every BBQ tossed to the side, grilled and covered in butter and salt.  While this is a delicious way to prepare it, corn has so much more to offer.  It has a sweeter side.  I decided to make these sweet corn popsicles as a nice end-of-summer treat that shows another way to enjoy this traditional summer food. The only special equipment required is popsicle molds, but you can also just use popsicle sticks and little paper cups if you don't have them.  This dessert is refreshing, sweet, different, and actually not terribly unhealthy for you.  Try them and I guarantee you'll be hooked.

Makes 6 popsicles
3 ears of corn
2 1/4 cups original flavor coconut milk (the kind that is slightly sweetened.  I used Silk brand)
3 Tablespoons honey or agave nectar
a pinch of salt

1) Remove the husks from the corn and cut away the kernels.  I do this by laying the ear of corn on the cutting board and cutting lengthwise along the side, then rotating so the just cut side lies on the cutting board and then cutting along the next side, continuing until I've shaved all of the corn kernels away.  Break the naked corn cobs in half and reserve.
2) In a medium saucepan, heat up the corn kernels, broken cobs of corn,  coconut milk, honey, and salt.  Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer for five minutes.  Turn off the heat and allow to steep for ten more minutes.
3) Remove the corn cobs, and pour the liquid into a blender.  Then strain the liquid and pour into popsicle molds.
4) Place in freezer and allow to freeze completely (at least 12 hours) before eating them.  Remove the popsicles from the mold by dipping the mold briefly into hot water then pulling them by their stick.  Enjoy!

*Note: Cob is a funny word

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