Wednesday, January 27, 2010

random thoughts at the ass crack of dawn

I can't sleep because every time I close my eyes my mind won't shut up.  I keep debating what I want my next step to be.  Should I go to pastry school, culinary school, or should I use that money to open my own business?  My passion is baking, but to become a "professional" is expensive and after you complete the program you will land a job making roughly $10/hr.  It's what I love though.   My heart is leaning towards that path, but my head thinks that it isn't practical or the smartest move.  I think being smart and practical is overrated.

Being practical is what led me to believe I should be a dentist like my mother.  I spent my college career miserable slaving over organic chemistry, bio, chem, and physics only to realize a year after graduation that I didn't want to follow that path.  All I my friends that I tell "hey I'm considering going to pastry school" are 100% behind it.  They all can't believe it's taken me this long to realize that's what I should have done.  So why am I still on the fence?  Society tells us to do what's safe and take the quickest route to earning a large income.  I am trying my best to reprogram myself into doing what will make me happy now rather than working at a job that I may not enjoy just to make money.

Not to sound totally morbid, but what's the point?  I am not hugely materialistic (I go more for travel and experiences than tangible possessions) and as my father says "le tombe non hanno tasche".  This means "tombs don't have pockets".  Like I said, I'm not trying to sound morbid, but I think a lot can be learned from the European lifestyle of enjoying the present.  Take vacations, slow down, sip some tea while eating a freshly made baguette, and enjoy life's little pleasures.  I think I have made my decision to go to pastry school, but I just need to take the giant leap of faith.  Here goes.

1 comment:

  1. We've got enough dentists to go around, especially ones that don't like their jobs. Consider yourself lucky for figuring out you'd probably be one of them early on. So go ahead and make some pastries!
