Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hot chocolate on a stick

When I traveled to Belgium last October, one of the things I was sure to purchase was chocolate.  I am a complete chocoholic, and have been known to go to great lengths for a tasty chocolate confection.  One example of this is when my friend Sam and I took the metro across London and wandered up and down streets just to find a chocolate store we had somehow heard made yummy chocolate truffles.  It was one of the main events of the day, and it was well worth it.

That being said, my recent trip to Belgium was my second time there, and this time we went to Bruges.  I don't know if you are aware, but in Bruges the streets are quite literally paved in chocolate shops.  It is overwhelming and after awhile they all start to look the same.  I ended up only purchasing a few pieces of chocolate because the prices are pretty steep, but I did walk away with one of my favorite treats: hot chocolate on a stick.  It is a chunk of chocolate on a lollipop stick that you melt in a cup of steamed milk and voila' you have hot chocolate!

One of my first thoughts was "I can probably make this," and that's what I did.   I looked up recipes and settled on the one found here.  I recommend using a silicon mold because the first time I made these in a normal plastic ice cube tray and they wouldn't come out.   I've also made ones with cinnamon and other various spices.  Have fun and enjoy!

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