Sunday, January 30, 2011

Miso Hungry

One of the true tests of a good sushi restaurant (for me at least) is whether or not they have tasty miso soup.  Recently I decided to try my hand at making my own version of this delicious Japanese soup.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blueberry Muffins

Yes, I know it's winter and berries aren't in season, but we had a huge Costco sized container of berries in the fridge just begging to be made into something.  Besides, fruits that aren't in season can still taste delicious when dipped in gooey muffin batter and you bake the crap out of them.  I tried my hand at creating my own recipe for these and I think they turned out pretty good.  Pat on the back.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Vanilla Extract

When living abroad, I realized that vanilla extract is used in nearly every American cookie, brownie, cake, etc... but it's not as common in other countries.  I found myself wanting to make cookies and brownies but could not seem to get my hands on some vanilla extract.  I decided I had to try and make my own.  Turns out it's the easiest thing to make, but just requires some patience.  All you need to do is add an empty vanilla pod to some vodka and allow it to sit for 6-8 weeks, shaking occasionally.  I started this batch two weeks ago because I had some empty vanilla pods lying around.  This is an excellent way to not waste these precious pods (vanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world).  Plus home-made vanilla extract makes a pretty and unique gift for baking savvy friends.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Limoncello=liquid gold

It's no secret.....limoncello is ridiculously delicious, but what people may not know is that it is ridiculously easy to make.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

yummy homemade pancakes

On Friday night I crashed at my friend's apartment, and in the morning we were trying to think of what to have for breakfast.  Neither one of us wanted to spend money, and we were pretty hungry.  My friend suggested we make pancakes, and I think it was one of the best ideas she's ever had.  Homemade pancakes are so simple to make, and I don't see why people buy all these box mixes.  Try making homemade pancakes and I swear you will never go back to pre-made batters or boxed mixes ever again.  This recipe yields more than enough pancakes for two people.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I completely forgot about this thing

So, I very predictably dropped the ball on writing regularly in this blog.  I have been super busy, and since writing last year a lot has changed.  I graduated from the Institute of Culinary Education(ICE) and earned certificates in Culinary Arts and Culinary Management.  On New Years Eve I finished my internship at the restaurant Daniel.  I have had great experiences through school and the internship, and have met really interesting people in the culinary field including Daniel Boulud (who is such a nice guy and a very talented chef).  Over a week ago I had my wisdom teeth out and have been recovering/looking for jobs in the industry.  I have also been making a lot of food to pass the time.
One recipe I would like to share is for homemade grenadine.  Grenadine was originally made with pomegranate juice, and how it became a bright red cherry-flavored corn syrup is beyond me.  Anyway, grenadine could not be easier to make.  Just take 4 cups of pomegranate juice and put it in a saucepan over medium heat.  Allow it to simmer and reduce for 10-15 minutes and then add 2 cups of sugar, stirring to dissolve.  Remove from heat and allow to cool.  If it isn't syrupy enough then you can always dissolve more sugar into it.  Also, it will be a darker brown-red color rather then the bright red you are used to seeing.  I used mine the other day to make a drink with Fresca, vodka and grenadine.  It was out of this world delicious!!  Enjoy!