Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Vanilla Extract

When living abroad, I realized that vanilla extract is used in nearly every American cookie, brownie, cake, etc... but it's not as common in other countries.  I found myself wanting to make cookies and brownies but could not seem to get my hands on some vanilla extract.  I decided I had to try and make my own.  Turns out it's the easiest thing to make, but just requires some patience.  All you need to do is add an empty vanilla pod to some vodka and allow it to sit for 6-8 weeks, shaking occasionally.  I started this batch two weeks ago because I had some empty vanilla pods lying around.  This is an excellent way to not waste these precious pods (vanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world).  Plus home-made vanilla extract makes a pretty and unique gift for baking savvy friends.

Why use vanilla extract???
You may think that this ingredient doesn't do much to the average cookie...but you'd be wrong.  Vanilla extract adds a depth of flavor and a complexity that may not have otherwise been there.  It's subtle, but is definitely worth using.  

Quick tip:
Since it's made with alcohol, don't add it to boiling hot products because the alcohol will burn off and will take the vanilla deliciousness with it.  

If you read this and think "damn I have to know more about vanilla... quench my thirst for more knowledge on the topic of vanilla"  look no further than this site.  Enjoy. 

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