Monday, January 24, 2011

Limoncello=liquid gold

It's no secret.....limoncello is ridiculously delicious, but what people may not know is that it is ridiculously easy to make.

Limoncello Recipe (makes about 2 wine bottle worth, but it's easy to scale down the recipe)

The skin from 7 lemons
700 mL 100% grain alcohol such as Everclear
350 mL water
350 mL granulated sugar

1) Put the alcohol into a large jar along with the lemon peels.  You can also use a bowl and seal it closed with saran wrap.
2) Let the alcohol-lemon peel mixture rest for 7 days.
3) Remove the lemon peels
4) Make simple syrup by mixing the water with the sugar in a saucepan and heat until the sugar has dissolved.  Allow this to cool completely before adding to the alcohol.
5) Add the simple syrup to the alcohol and watch it turn that beautiful, cloudy, limoncello yellow.
6)  Store in clean wine bottles, or jars and keep it in the freezer until ready to serve.  Should be sipped, not used as a shot.

-You can add less syrup if you want it to be a little less sweet.  I personally prefer to use a little less simple syrup.
-When peeling the lemons, make sure they are clean, and try not to remove any of the bitter white pith.
- You can use vodka instead of everclear if you want the limoncello to be consumed as a shot.  I would not recommend shooting everclear...keep it classy.
- If you notice, everything is in 7's --> 700 mL simple syrup, 7 lemons, 7 days, 700 mL alcohol, so if you want to make more or less, just adjust accordingly, just make sure you always let the lemon peels sit in the alcohol at least 7 days.
- You can make it with other citrus fruits (wouldn't be limon-cello anymore, but would still be delicious)

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