Monday, May 16, 2011

Pan-fried Quinoa Balls

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is an ancient grain that is amazingly versatile and very delicious.  It is gluten-free and rich with protein and also has a fair amount of the essential amino acids.  You can eat it hot or cold, and it can be mixed with just about anything.  Make sure you always rinse your quinoa before cooking otherwise it was have a very bitter taste to it (due to a coating of bitter saponins). Tonight I decided to make it into balls stuffed with cheese and pan-fried.  The result was delicious and also healthy.
Serves 5-6 people
2 cups raw quinoa (rinsed)
4 cups of water with half a bouillon cube dissolved into it
1 onion diced
1 teaspoon of your preferred spice blend (I used a masala blend of spices)
1/4 cup white wine
6-7 sundried tomatoes (not in oil) finely chopped
about 30 little cubes of cheese (I used yogurt cheese but mozzarella would work very well)
1/4 cup olive oil

1) Add the quinoa to a pot along with the water.  Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce to a simmer.  Cook until the little white germ pops out (10-15 min).  When it's cooked stir it while it's hot so it becomes a little mushier.  This is good for forming the balls of quinoa.  I even overcooked it a little to help it be mushier which helps it stick together.
2) Meanwhile, heat up about a tablespoon of olive oil in a saute pan and saute the diced onions.  Stir occasionally to make sure they don't burn and sprinkle them with salt.  After they start to get some color, deglaze the pan with the white wine.
3)  Add the onions along with the spice blend and sun-dried tomatoes to the cooked quinoa.  Spread it out on a baking sheet to cool completely.
4) Once cooled, form into balls and stuff a piece of cheese into the middle of it.
5) Heat a saute pan over medium heat with the 1/4 cup of olive oil.  When it just reaches the smoking point, add all of the balls.  Allow to brown before carefully turning them around.  Some of mine did break, but for the most part they came out well, and there were no leftovers :-)

**I served mine with a Greek yogurt dipping sauce and some sauteed kale with raw tomatoes drizzled with a balsamic reduction.
For dipping sauce: I mixed Greek yogurt with sriracha, dill, and a touch of honey (all to taste).

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