Monday, August 22, 2011

Food for the outside of your body

I went into a bath and body type store recently looking for a body scrub and noticed that the prices were obscene.  This particular brand featured salt from the dead sea and all that jazz.  The product works great, but you can't tell me that salt and some oil is worth $30 for a small jar.  I decided to make my own out of things in my kitchen.

Makes about 1 cup of scrub
1/2 pound sea salt (I got mine from whole foods at $0.69/lb!)
4 Tablespoons grapeseed oil (you can also use jojoba, olive, or avocado oil)
1 Tablespoon dried Lavender flowers
1 empty vanilla bean pod

Just grind the lavender and mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl and then store in a jar.  To use, wet skin then scrub gently in a circular motion and then wash off.  This particular scrub is too abrasive for your face, but is great on the rest of your body.   You'll feel soft as a baby's bottom in no time, and the best part is that it all cost less than 10 dollars! Cha-ching!


  1. I'm right there with you, and my love for cooking has also recently become a love of great smelling bath product creating. Have you ever made a coffee scrub? It smells like you're showering in a starbucks and is very invigorating. I used sugar, coconut oil, and freshly ground coffee. Mmmm. Soft skin.

  2. ooo that sounds amazing! I'll have to try it :-)
