Monday, August 8, 2011


 I wanted to try and make pickles using the traditional method of fermentation.  It is so easy, requires very few ingredients and they're super-yummy!  You can also play around with the flavors to get the kind of pickle you want. 

Makes 1 quart jar of pickles
2 Kirby cucumbers (I used 4 baby cucumbers I found at the Asian market)
1/8 cup sea salt
2 cups water
Dill, whole black pepper, spices like star anise, mustard seed,  red pepper flakes, bay leaves or anything you think would add great flavor to the pickles

1) Slice the cucumbers into even slices and then place into a clean jar.  
2) Add the spices and push them down between the cucumber slices.
3) In a bowl, mix the salt and water together and stir until the salt is dissolved completely.  Pour it into the jar to completely cover the cucumber slices.
4) Cover the jar with cheesecloth and wrap a rubber band around it.  Leave for 3-7 days to ferment in a warm, dry place like a kitchen cabinet.  After a few days, little bubbles should appear at the top of the jar which means it's beginning to ferment.  Taste one of the slices and when it's vinegary enough, remove the cheesecloth, and cover with an actual lid and store in the refrigerator.  Enjoy!!

* I added garlic in the fermentation phase and the smell of garlic was pretty darn strong.  I suggest you add garlic once it's in the fridge if you want.
** Use fresh cucumbers, and soak for an hour in ice cold water before pickling to freshen them up.
*** The ratio of salt to water is 1/4 cup salt for ever 4 cups of water
**** In case you wanted to know: I spiced it up with black peppercorns, bay leaves, dill, and garlic.

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